Jan 092012
“Celebrating Trans Lives: Trans People’s Contributions to Modern Medicine and Culture”
Dr Louis Bailey
Due to unforeseen circumstances Dr Louis Bailey is unable to come to Bristol and we regret this event has been cancelled.

Thursday 16th February 2012,  7pm – 9pm

Hydra Books, 34 Old Market Street, Bristol, BS2 0EZ.  Free event.

Far from being passive and unwitting subjects of medical experimentation, trans people are here shown to be active agents of change – within the NHS, social justice, and British society as a whole. This talk demonstrates the ways in which trans people have contributed to the development of modern-day healthcare, and how the trans community continues to shape medical understandings of, and social responses to, gender variancy.

Dr Louis Bailey is the Co-Founder of TREC – the Trans Resource and Empowerment Centre www.transcentre.org.uk and represents TREC as a Strategic Executive Partner of the National LGB&T Partnership (Department of Health). Dr Bailey’s research concerns the medical history of gender variancy, and issues of trans life course and ageing.

This is a free event, but a donation to OutStories Bristol would be welcome.

You can book a place online (or just let us know you’re coming) at Eventbrite.

Download the full programme for LGBT History Month 2012 in Bristol and Bath (pdf).

LGBT History Month website