Oct 092013

Trans Day of Remembrance logoCheryl Morgan writes:

November 20th is the annual International Trans Day of Remembrance on which we remember those people who have been murdered during the past year simply for being trans.

Bristol City Council is kindly providing a room in City Hall for a local event. This will take place on November 20th from 6:00pm to 7:00pm. Rooms in City Hall are not allocated until the day of the event but there will be signs in the lobby telling you which room we are using.

The event is open to trans people, their family, friends and allies. The only scheduled activity is the reading of the names of the departed, though other actions may be added if people volunteer.

Part of the ceremony may be recorded for use in the Shout Out radio show on Bristol Community Radio. No one will be recorded without their permission.

Wednesday 20 November 2013, 6pm to 7pm

Bristol City Hall (formerly the Council House),  College Green,  Bristol,  BS1 5TR