Jan 252015

8380389-old-book-with-copy-space-and-inkstand-isolated-on-whiteOutStories Bristol is developing a major new collaborative project with the Know Your Bristol project at the University of Bristol and Know Your Place, a website run by Bristol City Council. We are calling this project Mapping LGBT+ Bristol and it will create a permanent digital archive of the LGBT history of the Bristol area.

The project is being funded by the Arts & Humanities Research Council, a government-sponsored body that finances research and post-graduate projects. It will:

  • Know your place imageSupport OutStories volunteers in researching and mapping the LGBT history of Bristol and surrounds.
  • Add a dedicated LGBT history ‘layer’ to Bristol City Council’s digital mapping website Know Your Place. Know Your Place provides a series of map bases from 1750 to the present to which community information is attached.
  • Create a new user-friendly interface embedded in OutStories’ own website that will directly access the LGBT layer on Know Your Place and facilitate crowd-sourced contributions.
  • Create a custom-made mobile app for smart phones and tablet PCs that will interface with the LGBT layer on Know Your Place. This will feature walking tours, push notifications and connections to social media.
  • Produce a series of ‘story-maps’ – geo-coded digital stories – on different facets of LGBT history.
  • Collaborate with Bristol’s LGBT youth group Freedom Youth in producing curriculum materials to be used in Bristol schools to combat the stigmatization of gender diversity and homosexuality.
  • Add new material to the LGBT archives at the Bristol Record Office and other museums and archives.
Radnor Hotel, St Nicholas Street, Bristol

Copyright: Anna Henderson.

Mapping LGBT+ Bristol will be a series of explorations of LGBT lives, both historic and present. The project will draw teams of people together to research and record histories of the diverse individuals and communities that make up Bristol’s LGBT life.

Pride Bristol 2011 - main stagePlaces of significance may range from common places where people meet (now or in the past), the shifting map of the LGBT scene, sites of memory or life events significant to one individual or small groups, places of religious toleration, dissent and diversity, and sites relevant to public, political and civic oppression and acceptance.

The project formally commences in October and will last for one year.


Everyone is welcome to get involved. We seek people to do research, conduct oral history interviews, produce video/audio, and create digital material for uploading to Know Your Place and our own website. Get in touch via our contact form.

 University of Bristol     AHRC logo      BristolCityCouncil_logo     Bristol museums logo

Mapping LGBT+ Bristol is funded by the Arts & Humanities Research Council