Oct 252015

Interested in our Mapping LGBT+ Bristol project? Then come along to this introductory session and find out how to get involved.

Saturday 21st November 2015,  2pm to 4pm

Mild West Room,    Hamilton House,     80 Stokes Croft,     Bristol,     BS1 2QY

Map and getting there

We need you!
Photo of handheld microphoneWe seek volunteers for all aspects of the project. Training will be provided for free and no experience is necessary!

You could help:

  • Gather the stories of LGBT+ people through oral interviews. Edit and transcribe audio files.
  • Research in the Bristol Record Office, libraries and other archives.
  • Collate and store the digital material we collect, and upload it to Know Your Place, Bristol City Council’s online mapping website.
  • Help create a new user-friendly interface embedded in the OutStories Bristol website that will draw LGBT+ data from Know Your Place and facilitate crowd-sourced contributions.
  • Develop a custom-made app that will display the Know Your Place LGBT+ data on mobile devices.
  • Collaborate with local LGBT+ youth groups in producing curriculum materials to be used in local schools to combat homophobia and transphobia.
  • Generate publicity. Organise public events.
BRO publicity photo of search room

(c) Bristol Record Office

What will happen at the session on the 21st November?

  • You’ll meet people already involved.
  • We’ll explain the project aims and activities.
  • You can chat about areas that interest you and find out how to get involved.

Come along if you would like to join the project or want to know more.
Please get a free ticket on Eventbrite so we get an idea of numbers for refreshments.
For more information, email: contact@outstoriesbristol.org.uk

Accessibility to Hamilton House:Clifton Suspension Bridge
The entrance on Stokes Croft to the left of The Canteen cafe/bar is ramped, no steps. There is a lift to all floors. The disabled toilets on the ground floor are unisex.

Mapping LGBT+ Bristol flyer (front)

Mapping LGBT+ Bristol flyer (back)

University of Bristol   AHRC logo   BristolCityCouncil_logo   Bristol museums logo

Mapping LGBT+ Bristol is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council.