Oral history interviews capture people’s stories, their lives and experiences in their own words and can form a hugely valuable part of the historical record. They are especially helpful when researching histories that have been marginalised, silenced or hidden.
As part of our current project, we are gathering oral history interviews with local LGBT+ residents. But we need your help!
Could you record someone’s story?
At this workshop run by a qualified Oral History Society trainer you will receive full training in oral history recording. We will then work with you to find suitable interviewees that you will interview in February and March.
Space on the training is very limited and booking is essential. Please email admin@outstoriesbristol.org.uk to book your place.
Saturday 23rd January 2016, 10am – 4pm
Central Bristol venue – location sent with confirmation of booking.
Accessible venue – ground floor, wheelchair access, with accessible toilets close by.
Induction loop and BSL interpreter can be arranged.
Tuesday 5th January 2016, 6:30pm – 8pm
Central Bristol venue – location sent with confirmation of booking.
The room is wheelchair accessible with a lift from the ground floor. BSL interpreter can be arranged.
So that the training session on the 23rd of January can concentrate on actual interviewing technique, this meeting on the 5th will be a briefing session to explain the policies and procedures of the Oral History Team. Email admin@outstoriesbristol.org.uk if you are interested in joining the team and we will let you know the venue.
Mapping LGBT+ Bristol is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council.