Jul 042016

Image from flyer showing orange circle with text "Mapping LGBT+ Bristol" superimposed over black and white 1970s photo of inside of Moulin Rouge club in Bristol.Mapping LGBT+ Bristol is a collaboration between the University of Bristol’s Know Your Bristol project, Bristol City Council’s Know Your Place website, and OutStories Bristol. The project is creating a permanent digital archive of the LGBT+ history of the Bristol region.

Activities include:

  • Gathering the stories of LGBT+ people through oral interviews.
  • Research in the Bristol Record Office, libraries and other local archives.
  • Collating and storing the digital material we collect and uploading it to websites.
  • Creating a custom-made mobile app and a user-friendly interface embedded in OutStories’ own website.

Read more about the project here.

Activities are co-ordinated at monthly meetings, usually the second Tuesday of each month. The next meeting is:

Tuesday 12th July 2016,     5:30pm to 7pm

Room 4.07, University of Bristol Graduate School of Education, 35 Berkeley Square, Bristol, BS8 1JA

The room is wheelchair accessible with a lift from the ground floor.

These monthly meetings are primarily intended to co-ordinate the activities of the smaller teams of people working on each aspect of the project. Everyone is welcome. For further information, get in touch via our contact form.