Sep 082021

OutStories Bristol in collaboration with the University of Bristol Institute of Greece, Rome, and the Classical Tradition (IGRCT) present the 8th John Addington Symonds Annual Lecture (online event).

Monday 4th October 2021, 7pm to 8pm

Unfortunately our original guest speaker, Nancy Rabinowitz, is unable to present her lecture “Classics and Social Justice: A contradiction in terms?”. Instead we are delighted to welcome Tom Sapsford.

Tom Sapsford  –  The Song of the Cinaedus: Deviant Performers in Ancient Rome

Rear view of bronze statue of naked young man, arms curled above head and posturing his buttocksSide view of bronze statue of naked young man, arms curled above head and posturing his buttocks
The cinaedus is a man noted in classical literature for his effeminacy and voracious (homo)sexual appetites. Often used as a slur in invective Latin poetry and graffiti to lambast the masculinity of named individuals, this talk explores how an array of ancient Mediterranean sources presents the cinaedus as a specific type of performer, whose signature song and dance appear to be as racy and challenging as the social behaviours so often ascribed to him.



Casually dressed man, perhaps mid 30s, seated in a book library

Tom Sapsford

Tom Sapsford is Assistant Professor in the Department of Classical Studies, Boston College. His research focuses on ancient Greek and Roman performance cultures, classics and the history of sexuality, dance in classical antiquity and its receptions.

This is an online event and prior registration via this Zoom link is required.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with a link enabling you to join the meeting.

OutStories Bristol AGM

The talk will be preceded by the AGM of OutStories Bristol (very brief!). Members of OutStories will receive a separate email with reports.

The talk is an annual celebration of the life of John Addington Symonds (1840-1893), Bristol-based writer, art historian and pioneer of homosexual rights.

This event is held by OutStories Bristol in collaboration with the University of Bristol Institute of Greece, Rome, and the Classical Tradition (IGRCT). Our thanks to the IGRCT for hosting this event.

Find out more about the IGRCT on their website; you can also find them on Facebook and Twitter.

UnivOfBristol_logo_colourOutStories Bristol logoAncient sculpted head on black background with text "Institute of Greece, Rome, and the Classical Tradition"