Bristol’s LGBT+ history – a resource pack for schools


Rainbow circles surround text reading 'Mapping LGBT+ Bristol' superimposed on a black and white map of bristolDesigned for use in within the PHSE curriculum (Key Stages 3-5) this resource pack contains five lesson plans designed to engage secondary school students in Bristol’s LGBTQ+ history and reflect on social and philosophical questions around gender, sexuality, social norms, freedom, crime and punishment. The pack can be used as a cohesive unit of work or as one off sessions and contains an extensive introduction and guidance for teachers.

The pack is used in conjunction with an online map that tells the stories of LGBTQ+ people in the Bristol region with pictures, oral history recordings, archival documents and personal stories. The map can be viewed on this website or on Bristol’s Know Your Place website.

Five coloured cards, cascaded, each printed with a lesson planThe schools resource pack was produced by the University of Bristol in partnership with local LGBTQ+ youth group Freedom Youth. It was part of Mapping LGBT+ Bristol, a larger collaborative project between the University of Bristol, local LGBT+ history group OutStories Bristol and Bristol City Council. The project was funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council.

The resource pack is free to download from Schools can buy-in delivery by trained peer facilitators from Freedom Youth.


AHRC logo    Logo comprising the word "Freedom" in multi-coloured lettersBristolCityCouncil_logo



Mapping LGBT+ Bristol was funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council.