Saturday 23 Feb 2:30pm
M-Shed, Princes Wharf, Bristol, BS1 4RN.
Jack Wolf explores characters and writers who were (probably or possibly) transgender and discuss his research into real life 18th/19thC women who chose to live as men. He will also discuss the challenge of writing a trans character in a historical novel whose experiences are as real as possible yet still make sense to modern readers. Jack’s novel, The Tale of Raw Head and Bloody Bones, has just been published by Chatto & Windus.
Free event, but donations to OutStories Bristol project gratefully received
Booking: book your place online via Eventbrite, or on the day.
This event is one in a series for LGBT History Month in Bristol, February 2013. View our upcoming events and Eventbrite page, or visit LGBT Bristol for details of other LGBT History Month activities.