What Next for the LGBT+ Movement
Following the Passing of the Same Sex Marriage Act?
Invited panelists will give their views on this question followed by an opportunity for the audience to contribute to the debate and ask our panelists questions.
The event is free and open to all.
Wednesday 25 February 2015. 6pm-7.30pm
Room AR1, University of Bristol Students’ Union, Richmond Building, 105 Queen’s Rd, Bristol, BS8 1LN
Map and getting there
The panel:
Chair: Alice Phillips – Equality, Liberation and Access Officer at UBU
Alice is a University of Bristol Politics graduate who is the current Equality, Liberation and Access Officer at UBU. She is the curator of the festival and also organised the UBU Reclaim the Night march in November which 500 students and local people attended.
Fran Cowling – NUS LGBT Officer (Women’s Place)
Fran is the National Union of Students’ LGBT Officer (Women’s Place). She ran on a manifesto of challenging the cuts and making sure women’s voices are heard in a movement often dominated by gay men. She is also working on research around LGBT FE students’ experiences of education.
Daryn Carter – Director Bristol Pride
Daryn is the Director of Bristol Pride, the largest free Pride Festival in the UK with a week of events ranging from theatre, film and dance with a one day festival in the heart of Bristol attracting thousands of people and international headline acts. Working all year round Bristol Pride also delivers training and consultation services to businesses and presentations on workplace and school bullying. Daryn is also the Director of Diversity Careers, which delivers diversity focused careers events.
Noorulann Shahid – NUS LGBT Committee
Noorulann is the Black Rep on the NUS LGBT Committee and also works to support student campaigns and activism at UBU. Last year their twitter campaign #LifeOfAMuslimFeminist went viral. The campaign was featured on Buzzfeed, and Noorulann wrote a piece about it for the Huffington Post.
Cheryl Morgan – TransBristol (and OutStories Bristol)
Cheryl Morgan is a science fiction critic and member of local group TransBristol which aims to create a safe space where trans identified people in the Bristol area can share ideas, provide support and plan events. Cheryl blogs at http://www.cheryl-morgan.com/
AR11 is a fully accessible room on the second floor of the union, reached via a lift on the ground floor. If you have any access needs or questions about the panel get in touch with the Equality, Liberation and Access Officer, Alice Phillips – alice.phillips@bristol.ac.
This event is covered by UBU’s Safe Space Policy. A full copy of the policy is available here.
LGBT Bristol have produced a programme of all LGBT History Month events in Bristol and Bath. Click here for a full list.