A 17th century opera singer, skilled duellist … and one-time convent arsonist to rescue her nun girlfriend?
Julie d’Aubigny, aka La Maupin, has a larger-than-life track record. And although some parts of her story are lost between fact and fiction, her open love of both genders has made her a historical bisexual icon.
Join us for an exploration of Julie’s life, how her swordfighting intersected with ideas of queerness in early modern France and how she has inspired new LGBTQ+ and feminist retellings.
This event is provided by Bristol Museums in association with Outstories Bristol for LGBTQ+ History Month 2023.
Claire Mead (she/her) is a fencer and a sword lesbian public historian. When she is not working around community engagement and queer representation in museums and heritage, she is educating around inclusive arms and armour via her YouTube channel JoustGalPals and her podcast on swordswomen throughout history, Bustles & Broadswords. She also has a webcomic, Girls’ School of Knighthood. Find her at @carmineclaire on most social media.
Guest host:
Cheryl Morgan (she/her) is the former Co-chair of Outstories Bristol and a Senior Trainer for the Diversity Trust. As a self-confessed ‘trans history geek’, she is a regular speaker on the LGBTQ+ History Month circuit and has written several history blogs.
Wednesday 15th February 2023, 6:30pm to 7:30pm
This free, online talk will be held over Zoom
Book via the Bristol Museums website. Details of how to join the session will be in your registration email. Bookings close at 6pm on Wednesday 15th February.
Although this talk is free, Bristol Museums would be grateful if you could consider making a donation.