Jan 162013

historymonth180_bgcolourdiversitytrust_logoFriday 1 February 2013, 5pm – 8.30pm

Conference Hall, City Hall (formerly The Council House), College Green,  Bristol

Telephone: 0117 353 4621

Hosted by LGBT Bristol and supported by The Diversity Trust

The event is to celebrate the start of LGBT History Month and to launch the Diversity in Primary Schools Project. LGBT Bristol will be providing refreshments. There will be entertainment from Sing Out Bristol towards the end of the evening.

If you are involved with an LGBT organisation LGBT Bristol would like to invite you to talk for a few minutes about your group or organisation at the open mic session. Space for publicity materials will also be available.

Please let LGBT Bristol know if you plan to attend by email

This event is one in a series for LGBT History Month in Bristol, February 2013. View our upcoming events and Eventbrite page, or visit LGBT Bristol for details of other LGBT History Month activities.

National LGBT History Month

 Posted by at 16:18